Yes, it does! You can check the reviews section and the FaceBook post comments to see more reviews from satisfied customers. You will not be disappointed with your purchase.
Will my order get to me without any issues?
We use USPS (United States Postal Service), FedEx, and DHL for deliveries inside the United States and abroad. All of our shipments on arrival will likely spend time in the customs for the country where the shipment arrives. We cannot provide any customs clearance estimates, but in most cases, shipments may spend anywhere from one to three days in customs. Please refer to the shipping page for more information. Shipping is 100% insured.
Is there some way to turn off the LED light?
Sorry, all of our water fountains don't have a light switch to turn on/off the light. We can't turn the LED off unless we unplug the power supply.
Are you supposed to charge it for a bit or will it work right away?
It works right away when it's plugged into an outlet or USB.
What is the noise level?
Super silent. The only sounds heard are from the actual water trickling down the waterfall.